Author's Manuscript Preparation Information

The Tribal Law Journal provides these guidelines for preparing your final manuscript for publication. Please be sure to provide us with your complete mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address.

Computer Format

The Tribal Law Journal uses Office Windows NT and can accept files in MS Word or Wordperfect 6.0 formats. We cannot convert Apple/Macintosh files. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the computer format.


  • Title and author name(s) must appear on the first page of text.
  • Except for endnotes/footnotes and block quotations, all text should be double-spaced.
  • Type manuscript flush left, not justified.
  • All margins should be one inch with page numbers at bottom of each page
  • Number pages consecutively.
  • Print your manuscript on 8.5”× 11” paper on one side only.
  • Use only standard 12 pt. type, such as Courier or Times New Roman.
  • Block quotations must be at least 50 words, single-space and indented 1” from both margins.
  • Use only one space after periods, commas, question marks, colons and semi-colons.
  • Set tab at 0.5 inch to indent the beginning of each paragraph and after letter/number in headings.
  • Do not use style sheets, format commands, codes, auto-hyphenation, or macros.
  • Tables and figures should have a maximum size of 4.5” × 7” with headings and notes within those dimensions.


Except for tribal codes and cases all endnotes must conform to the law review style found in THE BLUEBOOK: A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION (21st edition). Examples of more common types of endnotes:

  • Article: Russel Barsh, Indigenous North America and International Law, 62 OR. L. REV. 114-18 (1983).
  • Book: F. COHEN, HANDBOOK OF FEDERAL INDIAN LAW 232 (1982 ed.).
  • Case: Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez, 436 U.S. 49, 51 (1978).
  • Statute: Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 § 16, 25 U.S.C. § 476 (1994).
  • The first endnote must include a brief author’s biographical note (1-2 sentences).
  • Endnotes must be single spaced.
  • Tribal codes and cases citation format should conform to the high court of the particular tribe being cited. Examples of Navajo Nation’s citation format:
    • Code: 1 NNC § 1001 (1995).
    • Case: Dawes v. Yazzie, 5 Nav. R. 161, 5 N.L.R. 82, 84 (Nav. Sup. Ct. 1987)
  • If tribal source of law does not have a uniform citation form include:
    • Case: Date, Court Name, Docket Number (if available), Page Number (if available) and any other relevant information.
    • Code: Date, Name or Title (if available), Title Number or Code Number, Section Number (if available), Page Number (if available) and any other relevant information.


  • Type all headings and sub-headings at the left margin using initial caps.
  • Use standard outline format: I., A., 1., a., (1); when designating heading levels.
  • Sub-headings should not go beyond five levels.
  • Do not use automatic outline functions.
  • Do not use all capitals, bold, italic, or underline in your headings.

Manuscript Submission

  • Submit your final manuscript on a 3.5 MS/DOS double-sided (DS), high-density (HD) computer disk, and one printed copy of your final manuscript.
  • Submit hardcopies of all your research material and a list of material used. University of New Mexico libraries may not contain many of your research materials.
  • Be sure to make keep extra copies on disk or computer file in case materials are lost in the mail.
  • Label the diskette with your name, manuscript title, date, and program type or version.
  • Do not include other files on the diskette.
  • Diskette(s) will not be returned unless requested.

Suggested Standard References

  • Refer to The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) for style questions.
  • Refer to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st edition) for legal citations and style questions.
  • Use Oxford English Dictionary (3rd edition), to check spellings, hyphenations, and usage questions.


Tribal Law Journal
University of New Mexico School of Law
MSC11 6070, 1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-1431

E-mail Communications

We prefer to communicate through e-mail as much as possible to save time. Our address is

Contact Information

Law & Indigenous Peoples Program